Forms you may need for your appointment.

Make sure paperwork is completely filled out and bring to your appointment.


Substance Use/Abuse Forms- Court Ordered & Self-Referred

Substance Use Evaluation Packet

Substance Use Intake Packet

Level 1 Individual Session Paperwork

Individual Session Paperwork for Tim’s Client’s

Individual Session Paperwork for Dr. Follman’s Client’s

Substance Use Exit Interview Paperwork


Domestic Violence (DV)  Forms

DV Evaluation Packet

DV Individual Session Paperwork

DV Exit Interview Paperwork


CORE #1        CORE #8

CORE #2        CORE #9

CORE #3        CORE #10

CORE #4         CORE #11

CORE#5          CORE #12

CORE #6         CORE #13

CORE #7         CORE #14


Anger Management (AM) Forms

Anger Management Evaluation Packet


Mental Health (MH) Forms

Mental Health Evaluation Packet

Mental Health Intake Packet


Releases of Information (ROI)

General ROI


Criminal Justice System

Dept of Licensing


Financial Forms

Financial Agreement

Financial Policy



Group Schedule

ZOOM instructions